Guest handbooks

  • South Pole & Emperors

    7 Days

    This luxury adventure takes guests into the heart of Antarctica to see the Emperor Penguins.
    Then it’s on to the southernmost point on earth – the South Pole!

  • Early Emperors

    5 Days

    This trip offers guests unique access to a magnificent penguin colony when the chicks are taking their first steps off their parent’s feet.

  • The Greatest Day

    1 Day

    This is a chance to for guests to experience the real interior of Antarctica in a single day.


  • Network Map

    View White Desert’s flight paths en-route to Antarctica.

  • Logistics Map

    The White Desert experience is built on a huge logistics network that crosses land, sea, air and ice. View a summary of our operations.

White Desert Operations

  • White Desert Fact Sheet

    Take a look at what makes White Desert Antarctica so very different.

  • Sustainability Fact Sheet

    Sustainability has always been part of the White Desert mission, right from our founding. Read about our efforts to practise and promote sustainable tourism in Antarctica.


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Get in touch

We understand that a journey to Antarctica prompts many questions. Please feel free to contact us here or leave your contact details and we will call you back.

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Booking enquiry

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